Your impact on other people is bigger than you think. Someone still giggles when they think of that funny thing you said. Someone still smiles when they think of the compliment you gave them. Someone silently admires you. The advice you give has made a difference for people. The support and love you've offered others has made someone's day. Your input and opinions have made someone think twice. You're not insignificant and forgotten. Your existence makes a positive difference, whether you see it or not.
1. Actively seek out new interests regularly. Refrain from allowing your life to become stagnant, especially in your free time. Prioritize your joy.
2. Search for likeminded people. Debunk the myth that people don’t “make friends” as adults. They can, and do. It makes the journey more blissful.
3. Travel as frequently as you can, even if it’s just a neighboring town/city/state. Do it as a means of constantly reminding yourself the world is bigger than your line of sight. Remind yourself often.
4. Change. In as many areas as you can. Not because what you have is deficient or inadequate, but because life works best when you’re not too strictly attached. Set health/financial/social goals, and work to achieve them. Thrive in your daily life. Read More »
Bądź zawsze kobietą z klasą. Nawet jeśli świat sponiewierał Cię tak, że właśnie leżysz pośrodku największego błota, jakie w życiu widziałaś. Miej tę cholerną godność. Nie w drogich butach czy seksownej sukience, tylko w dobrym sercu i delikatności. Wtedy możesz być pewna, że nic ani nikt nie odbierze Ci tego co najważniejsze, bo masz to po prostu w sobie.
- Aleksandra Steć